I am a little bit confused here my friends….Why if we all
want the same thing, to love, be loved and be happy, we chase it like some cheetah
an antelope just to make her cubs survive
another day? Why are we thirsty after affection, after love… Shouldn’t we
suppose to follow our path and wait for it when is the right time? And no, do
not even think to pop up the question: “Yeah, right…And from where do I know
when is the right time, the right person and all that?”
You will know deep down. If you are
patient, not some “cheetah” then you will know that next to you is or is not
the right person. But as we are eager to find that someone most of us are just
some “cheetah’s” chasing the preys down over and over again. We struggle in a
relationship that is just not meant to be, we jump over some steps that are
vital in the end, we enter in a relationship that we already know deep down
that from the beginning, it will not work in the first place, we go out with people
that are just hungry for our “flesh” like some animal that didn’t eat for
weeks. And I could go on and on. The worst part is that we will be hurt, then
we, at the same time hurt at least one more person. And for what? For a good
night stand so that you can tell the guys the next day how you had her? For some
stupid bet with friends? For the “list”, of cheeks that you “had” to be bigger
and bigger or ( in a girls case) numbers of boyfriend that you had to make your
friends and people around you see how desirable and good you are?
For what all this crap, people? Really… If we all want the same things, being so great people ( cause yeah we all think that we are so great, until we become selfish and start to think of ourselves first and the rest it just does not matter) then why on Earth we screw, mess somebody else up? Why? It is hilarious…just pathetic for sure. If only you could be human first and just simply put yourselves in the other person’s shoes then you will see that what you are about to do, what you already did maybe WAS NOT right.
I just ask you 2 things to try at least to do…at least try
and I can assure you that you will feel good, you will see the World with
different eyes.
1. Stop running! Walk the way that was drawn for
you to walk and be patient and then you will be no “murderers” of angels ….then
you won’t harm/cut anybodies “wings”.
2. When you are about to do something switch places
and ask yourself “How would I feel if someone does/says that to me?
Because at the end we have one life…just one and we all have
the right to be loved, to love and be happy. So my friend, don’t be the one among
those who breaks, be the one that is fixing wings because if you look closer they are
broken angels with a smile on their faces and a special sparkle in their eyes…